Service Times Change on Sunday, May 26 -- Sunday School at 9:30, One Worship Service at 10:30

Hospitality House


The hospitals in Great Falls serve a very large and sparsely populated geographic area in central and northern Montana. Many patients and their families may be hundreds of miles from home for the duration of the hospital stay. This creates a large hardship on their families, who will choose to either pay for long hotel stays, or not be with their family member.

We offer short-term hospitality to members of other Churches of Christ, family members of our members, or friends of members through our Hospitality House at 3412 Central Ave. This ministry began in 2022 as members had relatives who underwent long hospital stays in areas where there were similar programs. They brought the idea to our Shepherds of using our church-owned home as a hospitality house.


3412 Central Ave,
Great Falls, MT


Contact Carol Sturdivant, or administrative assistant Pam Tomasovic to check availability.
(406) 453-3379

Website made in Montana